I have been working on more patterns for the jewellery. I have adapted the swallows design as I thought the joins between each bird was too thin. I think it works better now that the tyvek is cut thicker throughout, however, I think I still need to make the design tighter around the sheet so not to waste so much of the tyvek.
I now have a roses pattern, one of the traditional flowers that many people get tattooed. I like the shape of the roses but it is far to fragile at the moment, so I will need to simplify the design.
The next photo shows a pattern that I have seen in tattoos, it is quite decorative but not typical of tattoo design so it may need to also be changed if it is to work.
The last design is more tribal. I feel it may be too masculine, however. When I cut it out in the tyvek it was also very fiddly and I think it would be too delicate to be worn and to work well as jewellery.